Friday, March 23, 2007

Googlife as usual - cheats

Nowadays i think almost everybody uses google services, at least the searching option.
The reason is simple: big database, lot of usefull parameter.
What i really like in google search is that, almost every time i can find what i need by using special parameters, like "allintitle:", "site:" or "filetype:".

Now i show some easy cheats you can use:

You want to find Stephen King books on net.
You may try search by file extension:
filetype:pdf Stephen King
filetype:doc Stephen King
You've got many result but mostly articles, not what you really wanted.
Now lets see can we find it in directory listings or not.
Mostly every page has a title you can find at the top of your browser. You can use that for find directory listings (intitle: or allintitle: )
allintitle:"index of" Stephen King
Now you can see a very good result, you find pages/files you wanted.
Another goodies:

Show a list of definitions for phrase
Google’s cache of
List of websites that link to
List webpages similar to
Show information that Google has about
List all webpages hosted at

Restrict the results to those with all of the query words in the title.

Restrict the results to documents containing that word in the title.

Restrict the results to those with all of the query words in the URL.

Restrict the results to documents containing that word in the URL.

apple * sauce
the words apple and sauce separated by exactly one word

Nokia phone $100...300
Search within a range of numbers for a Nokia phone between $100...300

safesearch: sex education
Search for sex education material without returning adult sites

same and a bit more:

Google Shortcut Finds Pages That Have...
nokia phone the words nokia and phone
sailing OR boating either the word sailing or the word boating
"love me tender" the exact phrase love me tender
printer -cartridge the word printer but NOT the word cartridge
Toy Story +2 movie title including the number 2
~auto looks up the word auto and synonyms
define:serendipity definitions of the word serendipity
how now * cow the words how now cow separated by one or more words
+ addition; 978+456
- subtraction; 978-456
* multiplication; 978*456
/ division; 978/456
% of percentage; 50% of 100
^ raise to a power; 4^18 (4 to the eighteenth power)
old in new (conversion) 45 celsius in Fahrenheit
site:(search only one website) “invisible web”
link:(find linked pages)
#...#(search within a number range) nokia phone $200...$300
daterange:(search within specific date range) bosnia daterange:200508-200510
safesearch: (exclude adult content) safesearch:breast cancer
info: (find info about a page)
related: (related pages)
cache: (view cached page)
filetype:(restrict search to specific filetype) zoology filetype:ppt
allintitle: (search for keywords in page title) allintitle:"nike" running
inurl:(restrict search to page URLs) inurl:chewbacca (specific domain search),,, etc.
site:country code (restrict search to country) “rio de Janeiro”
intext:(search for keyword in body text) intext:parlor
allintext: (return pages with all words specified in body text) allintext:north pole
book(search book text) book The Lord of the Rings
phonebook:(find a phone number) phonebook:Google CA
bphonebook: (find business phone numbers) bphonebook:Intel OR
rphonebook:(find residential phone numbers) rphonebook:Joe Smith Seattle WA
movie:(search for showtimes) movie:wallace and gromit 97110
stocks:(get a stock quote) stocks:ncesa
weather:(get local weather) weather:97132

You can find some google cheats and google page links here in pdf: [Click]
Official Google Guide:

If you find this post usefull please write a short comment for me. Thanks :)
Yeah, and Stephen King was only an example to show you can find hidden treasures on net, but do not search illegal things!

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