Thursday, February 1, 2007

Sony’s stock bounces back thanks to TVs and the PSP

Sony’s stock broke a three day downward spiral when a few brokerage firms actually upgraded their rating for Sony’s stock yesterday. Why the change of heart? Mostly because Sony is getting pretty damn good at selling TVs. Their electronics untit has been selling like hot cakes and well enough for Sony to raied their company-wide profit forecast. Sony’s leet TV selling skillz wasn’t the only “good” news, their PSP is also set to get some extra loving. Sony apparently plans on partnering up with some software firms to make the PSP’s content downloading abilities a touch more kickass…

The Financial Times said Sony Computer Entertainment is expected to announce deals with software firms and Internet service providers in mid-March to shore up the struggling PSP operations by beefing up the portable machine’s content-downloading functions.

Ok, so no plans for actual content but they’re going to beef up the content-downloading “functions”? Call me crazy, but upgrading the “functions” it not going to save the PSP from the deathgrip of the Nintendo DS. Sooner or later, it’s going to need real, live, actual content! By the sounds of it, we should be hearing about these partnerships soon so maybe one of them will include scoring some awesome content but color me unconvinced.

[Source: younewb][More: Reuters][Image: Flickr]

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